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[내가 호기심을 기울이던 것들 / 애들은 싫어하겠지] TeXmacs 정보 모음


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help/... 아래로의 깨진 링크는 어떻게 들어갔더라? 못찾겠다...

한글 설정 힌트? (웹에는 없는 내용이라서, 스크린샷 찍고, tm 파일 내용(소스)도 따로 복사해서 올린다.) (아마도 홈페이지의 내용은 이 tm 파일과 형식이 유사한 web페이지가 많은 것으로봐서는 tm을 그대로 html로 변환해서 올릴 수 있는 기능이 있을 것 같지만, 내가 찾아내서 사용할 능력(여건? 시간?)은 없다.. )
그 아래는 tm 소스 파일 내용 _( )_

<tmdoc-title|Notes for users of oriental languages>
In order to type oriental languages, you first have to start a conversion server which can be used in combination with the X input method and set the environment variables accordingly. For instance, in the case of Japanese, one typically has to execute the following shell commands:

kinput2 &
export LANG="ja_JP.eucJP"
export LC_ALL="ja_JP.eucJP"
export XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2"

You also have to install Japanese fonts. For instance, you may download the
<name|Ipag> fonts <verbatim|ipam.ttf>, <verbatim|ipag.ttf>,
<verbatim|ipamp.ttf>, <verbatim|ipagm.ttf> and <verbatim|ipagui.ttf>

copy them to

<verbatim| \ \ \ ~/.TeXmacs/fonts/truetype>

After doing this, you may launch <TeXmacs> using


texmacs --delete-font-cache


and select <menu|Japanese> from the <icon|tm_language.xpm> icon on the first icon bar. If everything went allright, the menus should now show up in Japanese and the current document is also in Japanese. Notice that you may also select Japanese as your default language in <menu|Edit|Preferences|Language|Japanese>. It is also possible to select Japanese for a portion of text in a document using <menu|Format|Language|Japanese>.

Inside a Japanese portion of text, and depending on your input method, you usually have to type<nbsp><key|S-space> in order to start Kana to Kanji conversion. A small window shows up where you can type phonetic characters and use <key|space> in order to start conversion to Kanji characters. When pressing <shortcut|(kbd-return)>, the text is inserted into the main <TeXmacs> window. Pressing <key|S-space> once again returns to the classical <TeXmacs> input method.


국제화 정보


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